Hi Mama! Inspirietry

Picture taking and posing for pictures has been a topic for debate in this family. Sometimes it is a heated debate but that is not what this blog is about.  These New Zealand hikes are kicking my butt and in an attempt to not be very far behind everyone, I have surrendered the camera to Scott, usually with the hope that he will take some pictures of the kids and their antics far ahead of me on the trail.  He has been valiant in his efforts because I know that stopping the kids to take pictures is completely not on his list.  In fact, it is on his anti-list, but when I logged on to my computer this morning I found something extra sweet.  He had put the pictures from the camera on my computer so I could blog the day away and there was a special folder called “Hi Mama.”  This is what I found:















The kids spelled out “HI MAMA !” on the trail.  Over great pizza tonight at The Cow in Queenstown, I told Scott how sweet I thought the picture message was.  He replied, “Well, we did have a lot of extra time on the trail.”  I’m happy to see that they are using their time wisely.


  1. This is the sweetest. Well done Scott and kiddos!

  2. Even better the YMCA!! Great pictures, blog, people, the works!! xox

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