Author Archives: Daisy


Rule Number 5
in Adventuriety

Rule Number 5

Do not impede riders in front of you by going too slowly.  That is what RULE NUMBER 5 of the Alpine Coaster stated at the top of Kolbensattel near Oberammergau, Germany, as we waited to board our personal alpine coasters.  My stomach had started turning over on the way up riding the chairlift.  Gazing out at the beautiful views of mountains and valleys, green and...

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26 Jul 2015
Dinner…One Reward of Saying Nothing
in Domesticiety

Dinner…One Reward of Saying Nothing

My husband just went to the grocery store because part of this little life adventure will be him shopping and cooking!  This is his idea.  Yes, we occasionally discuss (sometimes heatedly) his desire to eat healthy with the result of reducing his mass a tad and my desire to not cook and eat coffee with lots of cream for breakfast (yes, eat), out for one...

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24 Jul 2015
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