Tag: Bier

Zugspitze Adventuriety

We love Oberammergau.  It is a beautiful little village near fabulous hiking trails.  The weather is nice, especially for us rain-starved Californians.  It usually rains here at least a few times a week, complete with lightning and thunder, another treat since we don’t get much of nature’s lightshow in our hometown.  We love all of the weather and the sunshine too.  When it’s not raining...

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Pürschling House Hike Part 3 Adventuriety

I am in love with Germany. The people are interesting and Bavaria at least, is breathtakingly beautiful. I have come to one conclusion that the people living in Bavaria (and maybe it’s true of all Germans) are crazy tough for one reason in my mind (and there are probably more reasons, a lot of fire wood around here), the Bier trinken und Wandern. I love...

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